December thesis

In December 2018, the following theses were discussed. Francesca Vigo earned the title of Master Doctor in Bioengineering with the thesis entitled "Design, development and verification of an integrated virtual bronchoscopy software system to improve the skills of specialists in thoracic surgery" Rapporteurs and speakers: Prof. Ing. Maura Casadio, Prof. Fabio Solari, Prof. Manuela Chessa Correlators: Dr. Ing. Marco Chirico and Dr. Simone Bazurro (University Center for Simulation and Advanced Training - SimAv) Elisa Girau and Fabrizio Mura have earned the title of Master Doctor in Bioengineering with the thesis entitled "Design, development and verification of a Mixed Reality software application for the simulation of an emergency and rescue scenario! Speakers and speakers: Prof. Manuela Chessa, Prof. Fabio Solari, Prof. Maura Casadio Correlators: Dr. Ing. Marco Chirico and Dr. Simone Bazurro (University Center for Simulation and Advanced Training – SimAv)

Last update 12 January 2023