Living Hub

The new Living Hub of SimAv is conceived as a synergistic and complementary integration with the already existing and operational sections of the University Service Center for Simulation and Advanced Training and is aimed at simulating home care environments.

The scientific aims of the project are:

  • the creation of prototypes in the field of assistive technologies (aids), applied both to traditional and smart simulated environments, with advanced home automation equipments for home care, and to products and services (design for all);
  • the creation of suitable spaces for information, evaluation, consultancy and training on aids (auxiliary library)
  • the development of skills for caregivers who need to take care of frail/non self-sufficient people through the use of simulation;
  • the creation of a network for the professional updating of healthcare providers who carry out home care.

The creation of a laboratory dedicated to assistive technologies will allow the development of collaborations between the different specialized sectors.

The space is equipped as a movie set, with cameras, ambient microphones and lights;

these are all completely manageable from the control room located outside the laboratory.


This will support the interaction between students and professionals, will create the conditions for an interdisciplinary design, based on new forms of cooperation that respond to complex needs, in continuous evolution, and will combine experiences, new methods and technologies.

Last update 6 February 2023