SimAv for the Healthcare Simulation Week 2023

SimAv joins the Healthcare Simulation Week!

Throughout the week, we will interview some of our trainees, who will explain how simulation has affected their working life


Inrerview 1- Angelica Scamarcia, Robotics engineering master's students who is working on her master's thesis project at the Joint Lab For Emerging Technologies in Simulation

Interview 2 - Alessandro Gentini and Jacopo Flotta, students of the Medical Care course for maritime personel

Interview 3 - Raffaele Mancini, Alice Dameri, Matilde Bertamini and Gianluca Rubini, residents of the San Martino Hospital and trainees of the Advanced Life Support Course (ALS)

Interview 4 - Sonia Rossello and Valerio Briano, tutors of the nursing degree at the Savona training branch, and instructors of the lab activity monitoring of vitals

Last update 30 September 2023